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How energy concessions can lower your bills

Energy Concessions

A number of concessions are available to help households with the cost of energy bills.

Great! But how do I access them? 

Just like sport and weather, these concessions vary depending on which state you live in. Each state offers different energy concessions, rebates, and eligibility conditions. Some states even provide medical heating and cooling concessions for those who need them.

Federal Government Energy Rebate
Australian households are set to benefit from a $300 rebate and eligible small businesses will receive $325 from the Federal Government to ease cost-of-living pressures. These rebates will be distributed in four quarterly instalments starting from 1 July 2024. As an Energy Locals member, you don’t have to lift a finger – we’ll automatically apply these rebates to your bills while you’re with us.

New South Wales

Family Tax Rebate
Concession Name:Family Tax Rebate
Amount:Up to $250 ex. GST per year
Card Type:N/A – This concession is determined by the State Family Tax Benefit Scheme
  • If you’re currently receiving the federal government’s Family Tax Benefit A or B then you will be eligible for this concession.
  • If you receive the Low Income Household Rebate, the Family Energy Rebate is capped at $30 (ex. GST).
Low Income Household Rebate
Concession Name:Low Income Household Rebate
Concession Amount:Up to $350 per year
Eligible Card Types:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Card (DVA)
  1. Be a customer of the retailer, and whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to his or her principal place of residence; and
  2. hold a valid eligible Centrelink card For more information please visit: Resources and Energy – NSW Government
Life Support Rebate
Concession Name:Life Support Rebate
Concession Amount:Depends on the type of machine used
Fuel Type:Electricity
Eligible Card Type:NA – You will need to go to your doctor and complete a form, please send us the completed form via post or email
Eligibility:Users of specific life support equipment
Additional Details:• The amount varies depending on what device the customer has and how often they use it. Some devices use more power than others.
• You do not need to hold a concession card to claim the NSW Life Support Rebates. You only need to return the valid application form.
• New forms are required every 4 years to confirm the device is still in use.
• If you have more than one device, you can receive a rebate per device.
• If more than one person in the house uses a device, you can each submit your own separate application.
Medical Energy Rebate
Concession Name:Medical Energy Rebate
Concession Amount:Up to $350 a year
Fuel Type:Electricity
Eligible Card Type:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Card (DVA)
  • Have a medical condition that makes it difficult to self-regulate your body temperature when exposed to extreme heat or cold.
  • You are required to submit a valid application form as provided by the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development (the Department), which is be made available to customers on the Department’s website, duly signed by a registered medical practitioner (who is not the applicant) to verify that either the customer named on the bill or anyone residing at the residence has an inability to self-regulate body temperature*. Once validated and approved by the department please send in your completed forms to Energy Locals so we can then ensure the applicable rebate is applied to your energy bills
Additional Details:Primary qualifying condition includes any of the following: a) Autonomic system dysfunction b) Loss of skin integrity or loss of sweating capacity c) Objective reduction of physiological functioning at extremes of environmental temperatures d) Hypersensitivity to extremes of environmental temperature leading to increased pain or other discomfort or an increased risk of complications

Secondary qualifying criteria includes any of the following: a) Severe immobility b) Demonstrated significant loss of autonomic regulation of sweating, heart rate or blood pressure c) Demonstrated loss of physiological function or significant aggravation of clinical condition at extremes of environmental temperature
NSW Gas Rebate
Concession Name:NSW Gas Rebate
Amount:Up to $110 a year
Fuel Type:Gas
Eligible Card Type:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Card (DVA)
  • Low Income Health Care Card
  1. Be a customer of the retailer, and whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to his or her principal place of residence; and
  2. hold a valid eligible Centrelink card For more information please visit: Resources and Energy – NSW Government


Annual Electricity Concession
Concession Name:Annual electricity concession
Amount:17.5% of electricity usage and service costs . The concession is calculated after retailer discounts and solar credits have been deducted. The concession does not apply to the first $171.60 of the annual bill. This is calculated as a daily rate on each bill.
Eligible Card Types:
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
  • Healthcare Card (HCC)
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
Eligibility:Holds eligible card type and is a customer of the retailer, and whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to his or her principal place of residence.
Additional details:Maximum of $536.75 (ex GST) applies. If your total Concession claim reaches the Excess Electricity Concession threshold, we’ll send you an application form.
Excess Electricity Concession
Concession Name:Excess electricity concession
Amount:17.5% of electricity usage and service costs over the annual limit of $4,217.85 for the annual period 1 December – 30 November.
Eligible Card Types:
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
  • Healthcare Card (HCC)
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
Eligibility:We’ll check if you need to apply for the Excess Electricity Concession and send you an application form. Your completed form must be returned to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. If approved, we’ll continue to apply your rebate
Life Support Concession
Concession Name:Life support concession
Amount:The electricity discount is the cost of 1,880 kilowatt hours (470 kilowatt hours per quarter) of electricity each year, calculated using the general domestic tariff of your retailer.
Eligible Card Types:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Healthcare Card (HCC)
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
  • Holds eligible concession card
  • Uses an approved machine type
  • Has a household member who uses an eligible life support machine
  • Has completed appropriate application form
Medical Cooling Concession
Concession Name:Medical cooling concession
Amount:17.5% of electricity usage and service costs between 1 November and 30 April
Eligible Card Types:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
  • Discount applies to mains domestic electricity usage and service costs between 1 November and 30 April
Eligibility:An electricity account holder who holds an eligible concession card (Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card, Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card) and:
  • Has a medical condition that affects their body’s ability to self-regulate temperature or
  • Has a household member with such a medical condition.
Additional detailsMedical qualifying conditions are: • multiple sclerosis • lymphedema • Parkinson’s disease • Fibromyalgia • post-polio syndrome/poliomyelitis • motor neurone disease.

All other conditions, including muscular dystrophy, quadriplegia, scleroderma and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), must be approved by the supervising officer at the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
Winter Gas Concession
Concession Name:Winter Gas Concession
Amount:17.5% off gas usage and supply costs. The concession is calculated after retailer discounts are deducted. The concession does not apply to the first $62.40 of the six-month winter period bills. This is calculated as a daily rate on each bill.
Eligible Card Types:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
Eligibility:Holds eligible card type and name appears on the electricity account for supply to your principal place of residence.
Additional DetailsIf you have a very high gas bill (over $2499.14) during this period, may be required to apply for the Excess Gas Concession.
Excess Winter Gas Concession
Concession Name:Excess Winter Gas Concession
Amount:17.5% of gas usage and service costs above $2,499.14 in the period from 1 May to 31 October 2024. The concession is calculated after retailer discounts are deducted.
Eligible Card Types:
  • Pensioner Concession Card (PCC)
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card
Eligibility:Holds eligible card type and name appears on the electricity account for supply to your principal place of residence.
Additional DetailsYour completed form must be returned to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. If they approve, we will continue to apply your rebate


Electricity Rebate
Concession Name:Electricity Rebate
Concession Amount:Up to $372.20 per year (GST inclusive), calculated and applied to the electricity bill.
Fuel Type:Electricity
Eligibility Card Types:
  • Health Care Card (HCC)
  • ImmiCard for Asylum Seekers
  • Pensioner Concession Card
  • Queensland Seniors Card
  • DVA Gold Card (War Widow/er or special rate TPI)
Electricity Life Support Concession
Concession Name:Electricity Life Support Concession
Concession Amount:
  • $975.60 per year for each oxygen concentrator.
  • $653.34 per year for each kidney dialysis machine.
Fuel Type:Electricity
Eligibility Card Types:Dependent on the type of life support machine. For more information, please visit the Queensland Government’s Electricity Life Support Concession web page.
Eligibility:This rebate will not appear on your energy bills. For more information about payments, and to check your eligibility, please visit the Queensland Government’s Electricity Life Support Concession web page.

South Australia

Energy Concession
Concession Name:Energy Concession
Amount:$255.60 per eligible household for the 2024-25 financial year
Eligibility:Eligibility is determined and assessed by ConcessionSA.

To have a concession added to your Energy Locals account, you must apply directly through ConcessionsSA. For more information, please contact their hotline on 1800 307 758

ConcessionsSA also offers the Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme (EEPS), the Medical Heating and Cooling concession, and other programsto help with living costs. Explore more at the website.

Australian Capital Territory

Electricity, Gas and Water Rebate
Concession Name:Electricity, Gas and Water Rebate
Amount (Summer):$1.01887 per day from 1st Nov – 31st May
Amount (Winter):$3.81699 per day from 1st Jun – 31st Oct
Eligibility :
  • Hold a current Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card, Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card, Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card or Gold Card Holders (Prisoner of War, War Widow or Totally Permanently Incapacitated (TPI Embossed); and
  • Provide a copy of the relevant concession card or provide the concession number and details of the concession card;
  • Be the customer whose name appears on the relevant electricity account; and
  • permanently reside in the Territory at the address for which the relevant utility account is held.
Additional details:
  • Concession is up to $800 per year
  • This total concession amount is intended to be the rebate for all utilities. If you have a separate gas bill, you will not see any rebates on it.
  • If you do not have gas, it is assumed any gas appliances (e.g. hot water, heating) have an electricity equivalent onsite, so the entire rebate amount still applies.
Life Support Concession
Concession Name:Life Support Concession
Concession Amount:$150 per year
Eligibility:Medical Confirmation Form signed by his or her medical practitioner which confirms that the Applicant is receiving life support treatment from:

  • a dialysis machine;
  • a respirator;
  • an oxygen concentrator; or
  • any other apparatus prescribed by a medical practitioner as necessary in the treatment of a life threatening condition; and

Also requires proof that the Applicant resides in the Territory at the address for which the relevant utility account is held.


Annual Electricity Concession
Concession Name:Annual electricity concession
Amount:Holds eligible card type and is a customer of the retailer, and whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to his or her principal place of residence.
Eligible Card Types:
  • DHS or DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • DHS Healthcare Card
  • ImmiCard (Bridging Visa E)
  • Tasmanian Concession Card (issued by Department of Communities Tasmania)
Eligibility:Holds eligible card type and is a customer of the retailer, and whose name appears on the electricity account for supply to his or her principal place of residence.
Life Support Concession
Concession Name:Life Support Concession
Amount:Dependent on type of machine used.
Eligible Card Types:NA
  • The life support concession provides a daily discount to eligible customers who use an approved life support system or who live with someone who uses such a system in their principal place of residence.
  • To apply for this concession, eligible customers need to complete the Application Form and have it certified by their medical practitioner before submitting it to their electricity retailer.
Medical Heating & Cooling Concession
Concession Name:Medical Heating & Cooling Concession
Amount:$51.906 cents per day
Eligible Card Types:
  • Services Australia or DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • Services Australia Health Care Card
Eligibility:Eligible customers need to complete the Application Form The medical cooling or heating concession provides a daily discount to eligible customers who have, or who live with a person who has, a medical condition that requires the cooling or heating of the customer’s principal place of residence in order to manage that medical condition.

For further assistance you can also visit the Tasmanian Government Concessions website.

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