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Community Solar

Power your building with cleaner energy

The demand for solar is clear, so we’re making it available to new developments and existing buildings – without the capital outlay.

After all, what’s not to love about zero-emissions electricity that can lower your costs while increasing value?

Why Energy Locals Community Solar?

Trust a safe pair of hands. We have an outstanding track record of installing over 2000 kW of high-quality, ethically sourced solar systems in more than 50 buildings.

Benefits For Developers

Reduce development costs

We fund the majority of expenses, from equipment to installation, allowing you to benefit from cleaner energy without the financial burden.

Attract more buyers

Be the building that offers the latest in sustainable living and provide a premium lifestyle that people are willing to pay more for.


Stay ahead of potential future regulations and take your generation to the next level with Battery storage and EV chargers.

Benefits For Owners Corporations

Reduced bills

Cut your common area energy costs and experience real savings with lower electricity rates than relying solely on the grid.

Hassle-free energy

Experience stress-free energy with our full-service solution. We handle installation, maintenance, and monitoring to ensure efficient and reliable performance.

Keep residents happy

Residents will love that they’re being powered by cleaner energy and are part of a forward-thinking community.

We’re proudly one of the few
Community Energy Networks providers
that offer premium and ethical solar PV solutions.

Is Community Solar right for your building?

Download our product pack to learn more about Community Solar and and why we’re the safe pair of hands you can count on.


What are the benefits of Community Solar?

The main advantage of Community Solar is that it enables your building to generate renewable energy that it can use to power itself and rely less on the grid.

Install solar and we’ll give you lower common area rates that could save you thousands each year.

The demand for solar is only climbing so it also provides a selling advantage to the growing market of eco-conscious buyers, and helps future-proof the building from potential regulations

How is solar used by my apartment building?

Solar power you generate is fed into the Embedded Network before the site draws power from the grid. This allows the building to use clean energy first, which doesn’t cost you a thing.

Do residents receive a feed-in tariff on energy bills?

No. Solar is sized in a way to cater to the load which means no feed-in for residents. As residents are supplied the generated solar energy, the main advantage for them is the peace of mind that their carbon footprint is reduced and they’re part of a progressive living community.

How do you access the solar system?

Through the access keys provided by Strata, which is often kept somewhere secure on-site. Roof access is usually arranged through the building manager.

How does waterproofing impact the installation of anchor points for solar panels?

For a new building, solar anchor points are installed before the roof is waterproofed. This helps ensure that the waterproofing is not damaged in the installation process.

For existing buildings, we install anchor points then waterproof over the affected areas.

Want to learn more?

Get in touch to start building cost-effective, sustainable communities with Energy Locals