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What We

We’re done with the traditional energy model

We’re driven by one over-arching belief – the traditional energy model isn’t what’s best for consumers, the environment or the future of energy.

Traditional energy is too complex and difficult to navigate. It makes it tough to make an informed decision that truly benefits you and the planet. We’re here to change that.

We empower developers to create best-in-class solutions that are cost-effective, efficient and sustainable. Ensuring a better future for residents.

We’re committed to operating with transparency and honesty. That means we tell it like it is, and make it easy for you to understand what we offer and how much it costs.

We’re not your average energy company

World-class partners

We work with some of the most innovative, leading brands in energy to bring innovative solutions to our customers.

Solar friendly

If you have your own solar PV system, we’ll pay you a feed-in tariff for anything you don’t use. If you’re about to install solar PV we can also help you get a shiny new smart meter installed.

Support great organisations

We proudly support organisations that are doing great things to improve communities.

100% Aussie service

Are you done with rubbish customer service? Our entire team is right here in Australia and provides customers with epic service – just check our online reviews.

Simple rates

Unnecessary step rates, 4 decimal points, small print that costs hundreds of dollars? Not here. We offer super simple tariffs that make comparing prices easy.

Get great rates, permanently

We don’t sneak away discounts when you’re not looking.

Smart meters and smart data

Got a smart meter already? Our online portal will show you half hourly usage. Not got one yet? We can have one installed cheaply and quickly (for on-market retail customers only: we’ve already installed smart meters for nearly all our community energy network customers).

We’re killing traditions


We proudly support one of the world’s largest battery companies in Tesla – so customers can help keep the grid stable while benefiting from cheaper, cleaner, more stable power.


Solar continues to grow rapidly. We help solar installers get digital meters installed so customers can lean on the sun a little faster, while also getting a great solar feed-in tariff. In our Community Energy Networks, installing solar is our bread and butter – check out our projects page to see case studies.

Peer-to-Peer Power

Not everyone has the right roof, garage, or bank balance for new energy hardware. That’s why we partnered with Aussie tech startup Enosi to support trials of peer-to-peer solar.


Huh? yes, rum. We buy our power in NSW from a power station that takes waste sugar cane, dries it out and creates enough power for about 60,000 homes. Another byproduct of sugar production from the very same crops – bagasse – is used by Lord Byron Distillery to make rum. Cheers!

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