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Energy Concessions available in


Below is a list of available concessions, grants and rebates available for Tasmania Electricity consumers.

Please read below for eligibility criteria and rates applicable.

For further assistance you can also visit the Tasmanian Government Concessions website:

You can apply to have an energy concession added to your account here.

Concession Name:Annual electricity concession
Amount:157.460 cents per day
Eligible Card Types:
  • DHS or DVA Pensioner Concession Card
  • DHS Healthcare Card
  • ImmiCard (Bridging Visa E)
  • Tasmanian Concession Card (issued by Department of Communities Tasmania)
Eligibility:The concession is calculated after retailer discounts and solar credits have been deducted.
Concession Name:Heating Allowance
Amount:An allowance of $56 a year is made to eligible pensioners to assist with heating costs. Payments of $28 are made in May and September.
Eligible Card Types:
  • DHS Card
  • DVA Pensioner Concession Card
Eligibility:A single pensioner must not have more than $1750* in cash assets and married/de facto pensioners must not have more than $2750.* * Other conditions also apply
Concession Name:Life Support Concession
Amount:The approved devices and current rates are:
  • Oxygen concentrator, 127.806 cents per day
  • Peritoneal dialysis machine, 94.825 cents per day
  • Haemo-dialysis machine, 94.825 cents per day
  • Chronic positive pressure and airways regulator, 45.350 cents per day
  • Continuous positive airways pressure machine, 45.350 cents per day
  • Respirator (iron lung), 169.033 cents per day
  • Combination oxygen concentrator and chronic positive pressure and airways regulator, 173.156 cents per day
  • Phototherapy machine, 240.845 cents per day
  • Left ventricular assist device, 45.350 cents per day
Eligible Card Types:N/A
  • The life support concession provides a daily discount to eligible customers who use an approved life support system or who live with someone who uses such a system in their principal place of residence.
  • To apply for this concession, eligible customers need to complete the Application Form and have it certified by their medical practitioner before submitting it to their electricity retailer.
Concession Name:Medical Cooling Concession
Amount:The current concession is 47.163 cents per day
Eligible Card Types:N/A
Eligibility:The medical cooling or heating concession provides a daily discount to eligible customers who have, or who live with a person who has, a medical condition that requires the cooling or heating of the customer’s principal place of residence in order to manage that medical condition.

Other helpful agencies that can assist you:

Other non-government or community assistance is generally available through a local community service provider, such as a financial counsellor or community welfare organisations the National Debt Helpline.

We have also listed some not for profit organisations you can contact to obtain further information on other assistance available.


You can apply to have an energy concession added to your account here.

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