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Overview and Pricing – South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant

Energy Locals are working with Tesla and the Government of South Australia to continue delivering South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant, where invited tenants can access the lowest generally available rate in South Australia along with access to renewable energy sources.

When you switch to South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant, Tesla will check whether your home is suitable for either solar, Powerwall home battery or both, we may install a system on your home at no cost2. If hardware is installed, you can access sustainable electricity and battery back-up for use during power outages.

Learn more here.

Pricing and Basic Plan Information Documents

Our rates are:
Rates applicable from 1 Sep 2023 (inc GST)
Usage rate35.50 c/kWh
Controlled load (if applicable)18.00 c/kWh
Supply charge80.00 c/day
Direct Debit/Centrepay discount-18.15 c/day

Rates applicable from 1 Sep 2023:

Anytime: 25% less than the reference price based on 4011/kWh/year for a residential customer on an anytime tariff in SA Power Networks. The lowest annual price is $1717. Your bill will differ based on your usage.

Anytime with Controlled Load: 24% less than the reference price based on 6017/kWh/year for a residential customer on an anytime plus controlled load tariff in SA Power Networks. The lowest annual price is $2113. Your bill will differ based on your usage.

Anytime Basic Plan Information Document
Anytime with Controlled Load Basic Plan Information Document

Terms and Conditions

These are the market terms that apply when you join Energy Locals. Read >

Tesla will check whether your home is suitable for either solar, Powerwall home battery or both, and may install a system on your home at no cost2.

2Benefits of South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant depending on the hardware you have installed at your home

Tesla Powerwall Home Battery and Solar Panels Tesla Powerwall Home Battery only No Solar or Tesla Home Battery
Access the lowest generally available rate in South Australia1 for all electricity you use, regardless of where it comes from.
Access to sustainable electricity
Access to blackout protection
Smart meter installed at your home at no cost to you. You will receive your bills monthly from Energy Locals. No smart meter installed; you will continue to receive your electricity bills quarterly from Energy Locals.
Powerwall home battery will require access to your home internet to assist with optimising the system. This operation will use very little internet.
The hardware installed on your home is owned by Tesla and you will not receive a Feed in Tariff. If you choose to leave South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant, the system will be configured to provide benefits to those who continue to be connected to the program. The system will remain installed on your home and you will not have access to a Feed in Tariff or backup protection from another retailer.
Energy Locals will perform a credit check as part of the process of switching your electricity.

1 Energy Locals & Tesla review this offer annually to ensure it is the lowest generally available single-rate residential offer in SA as of 31 August of that year. If a tier 1 Energy Retailer releases an offer with a lower rate, Energy Locals and Tesla will reduce this offer to align with the lower competitive offer (within 60 days of becoming aware of the cheaper offer). Contact us at 08 7100 1294 to find out more.

Got a question?

For questions regarding switching to South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant call 08 7100 1294 or register online at .

For account or billing enquiries, please contact us at or call 1300 060 683.

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