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Energy Locals Insights Program- Terms and Conditions

By signing up for the VIC Limited Time Offer electricity plan with Energy Locals during the campaign period, you are eligible to participate in the Energy Locals Insights Program. The program offers you the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of our products and services. The following terms and conditions apply to the program: 

  1. Eligibility:
    The Insights Group of Customers is open to individuals who meet the following criteria:

    • Are current customers of Energy Locals or have recently used its products or services.
    • Are of legal age in their jurisdiction of residence.
  2. Participation: 
    • By opting into the Energy Locals Insights Program, you agree to receive surveys, communications, and updates from Energy Locals regarding our products, services, and initiatives.  
    • You have the flexibility to opt out of the program at any time by notifying Energy Locals through our designated channels.  
  3. Feedback and Involvement:  
    • As a participant, you may receive requests to provide feedback, opinions, and suggestions through surveys, focus groups, or other communication channels. 
    • Your involvement in these initiatives is entirely voluntary, and you are under no obligation to participate in all activities.  
    • Your feedback and input will help us shape and improve our offerings to better meet your needs. 
  4. Early Access and Exclusive Offers: 
    • By being part of the Energy Locals Insights Program, you will have the opportunity for early access to new products, services, and features. 
    • These exclusive offers are subject to availability and may be provided to program participants before they are made available to the general public. 
  5. Privacy and Confidentiality: 
    • Energy Locals respects your privacy and handles your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 
    • Your information and feedback provided as part of the Energy Locals Insights Program will be treated with strict confidentiality. 
    • Energy Locals may aggregate and analyse data collected from participants for research, statistical, and improvement purposes, while ensuring individual privacy is protected. 
  6. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Energy Locals maintains compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines. 
    • By participating in the Energy Locals Insights Program, you acknowledge and agree that Energy Locals may be required to provide information to regulatory bodies or authorities if requested, to demonstrate the integrity and compliance of our offers. 
  7. Limitation of Liability:
    • Participants agree that the company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from their participation in the Insights Group of Customers or the use of any insights or feedback provided by participants.
  8. Modification of Terms and Conditions:
    • The company reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. Participants will be notified of any changes, and continued participation in the Group after such notification will constitute acceptance of the modified terms.
    • The campaign period is subject to change at any time.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Energy Locals Insights Program, please contact our customer support team. 

Thank you for choosing Energy Locals and for your valuable contribution to improving our products and services. 

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