
Terms and Conditions for the Golden Plains Wind Farm Electricity Plan

By signing up for the Golden Plains Wind Farm electricity plan with Energy Locals during the offer period, you agree to the following terms and conditions.


The Golden Plains Wind Farm Electricity plan is available to you if you  meet the following criteria:

  • You are invited into the program directly at your place of residence;
  • You do not have a commercial agreement for reduced amenities with Golden Plains Wind Farm;
  • You live within 3km of a turbine owned by Golden Plains Wind Farm; and
  • You do not have a contract with Golden Plains Wind Farm to host wind farm infrastructure.


Modification of Plan: 

Energy Locals reserves the right to verify your eligibility for the Golden Plains Wind Farm electricity plan. Ifat any time it is determined that you do not meet the eligibility criteria, Energy Locals retains the right to transfer you to another suitable plan at any time. In such cases, you will be notified about the plan change and any applicable terms.

Price Estimate and Credits:

Your first credit will be applied from your second Energy Locals invoice. This credit will be listed under Credits, Adjustments and other Charges on page 2 of your invoice. The annual credit of $1,600 will be averaged out over 12 months, equaling $133.33 per month. You will be eligible for the first credit on the 1 month anniversary of your FRMP (Financially Responsible Market Participant) – this may or may not align with the date of your second invoice.

If your estimated costs result in a negative figure, it indicates the Golden Plains credit will likely offset your bill, based on historical usage for your address. Any outstanding charge above the credit will need to be settled by you.

If your account is in credit, no payment will be necessary. Please note that credits are not transferred or refundable.

Agreement Acceptance: 

By signing up for the Golden Plains Wind Farm electricity plan, you hereby confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the Community Energy Program and that you are providing this information truthfully. You understand that providing false information is a violation of the terms and conditions of participation and Energy Locals will have the right to transfer you to an alternate plan.

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