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How to manage your
electricity use this Winter.

South Australian Virtual Power Plant customers enjoy a unique energy plan that is exclusively available to South Australian Housing Tenants.

When connected to the South Australian Virtual Power Plant, your solar and Powerwall home battery system helps the South Australian community avoid blackouts while also helping to reduce the electricity costs for you and everyone in the community.

In return, you can access back-up electricity in the event of a power outage and receive the lowest available electricity rate in South Australia. And because you pay for all the electricity you consume in your home, we want to share a few useful tips to help manage your usage and keep your bill under control.

Here are some tips for keeping your energy bills in check this winter

Set your thermostat to the ideal temperature

If you frequently use an air conditioner, there are some small adjustments you can make to your thermostat to ensure your using it in the most efficient way. You should set your air conditioner to 18 – 20 degrees Celsius, for every degree over this range, you can expect your energy usage to increase by 10% – meaning you will pay more.

Heating and cooling is often one of the biggest consumers of energy within a home, it can account for up to 50% of your bill. So if you’re not at home, be sure to turn off the air con to avoid any surprises when it comes to receiving your electricity bill.

Reverse your ceiling fans

Ceiling fans can not only keep you and your home cool in summer, but can also help keep your home warm during winter. Most fans have a switch where you can reverse the settings so you can push down the warm air from the ceiling into your living space.

Enjoy shorter showers

Long hot showers can be great for relaxation, however they can make up a substantial portion of your energy bill. Try taking a shorter shower can help reduce the amount of energy you use and the amount of water you consume.

Seal draughts and close the curtains before dark

Most common in older homes are draughts, which can be due to cracks or unsealed windows or gaps through your doors. Draughts can let the frosty air into your house which means your heating has to work harder to keep you and your home warm.

If you suspect you have draughts, do a quick check to try and locate it, when you find the suspected draught, if it’s from a door, try using a door snake or if it’s from a window, you might need to visit a hardware shop and get some seal or no more gaps.

Another effective way to keep your home warm is to close the curtains before it gets dark. If it’s a sunny day, the warmth from the sun can maintain the warmth in your home, so close your blinds early enough to capture this warm temperature so your appliances don’t need to work as hard.

Use heat packs, hot water bottles and blankets when you go to bed

As simple as it may sound, using heat packs, hot water bottles or a couple of blankets can help you avoid reaching for the electric blanket while also helping you to reduce your energy bill.

Put a hot water bottle or heat pack in your bed before you jump in to help warm it up. This can save using an electric blanket and save any surprises when you get your electricity bill.

As a South Australian Virtual Power Plant customer, you continue to benefit from the lowest generally available electricity rate in South Australia, plus you receive back-up electricity through your Powerwall home battery which is available exclusively when you remain connected to the South Australian Virtual Power Plant.

Plus, when you pay by CentrePay or Direct Debit, you can reduce your electricity bill by $67 per year*.

To setup CentrePay, please register your details here.

To setup Direct Debit, please contact us on 1300 060 683 or email us at

*This yearly saving is calculated at 18.5c per day (incl GST). The daily discount will be applied to your account for as long as you continue paying your account through Centrepay or Direct Debit.