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South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant

Energy Locals are working with Tesla, the South Australian Government and Community Housing Providers to deliver the next phase of South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant.

Our VPP Program Offer is exclusively for invited tenants from SA Housing Trust or Community Housing Providers participating in the trial and is currently the lowest retail offer generally available in South Australia.

Our rates are:

Rates applicable from 1 Sep 2023 (inc GST)
Usage rate35.50 c/kWh
Controlled load (if applicable)18.00 c/kWh
Supply charge80.00 c/day
Direct Debit/Centrepay discount-18.15 c/da

Rates applicable from 1 Sep:

Anytime: 25% less than the reference price based on 4011/kWh/year for a residential customer on an anytime tariff in SA Power Networks. The lowest annual price is $1717. Your bill will differ based on your usage.

Anytime with Controlled Load: 24% less than the reference price based on 6017/kWh/year for a residential customer on an anytime plus controlled load tariff in SA Power Networks. The lowest annual price is $2113. Your bill will differ based on your usage. Basic Plan Information available on request.



This offer is available to customers who:

  • Live in South Australia
  • Registered for the SA Virtual Power Plant program on
  • Have been invited by the SA Government or Community Housing Provider to participate in this phase
  • Agree to maintain a payment method on their account at all times (direct debit, credit/debit card or Centrepay)


Savings & Benefits

South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant is designed to:

  • Lower energy prices
  • Provide increased stability to the grid
  • Provide protection during a grid outage*
  • Increase customer’s visibility of their energy use via a real-time app*
  • Reduce the use of fossil fuels


*Tesla will perform your home’s suitability assessment to determine one of the follow options for your home:

  • Tesla Powerwall and solar installed at your home
  • Tesla Powerwall with no solar installed at your home
  • No Tesla Powerwall or solar installed at your home, but with access to the lowest electricity rate in South Australia1


1 Energy Locals & Tesla review this offer annually to ensure it is the lowest generally available single rate residential offer in SA as of 31 August of that year. If a tier 1 Energy Retailer releases an offer with a lower rate, Energy Locals and Tesla will reduce this offer to align with the cheaper competitive offer (within 60 days of becoming aware of the cheaper offer). Contact us at 08 7100 1294 to find out more.


* Tesla will check whether we can install a system at your home and determine one of the following options with no charge to you.


Tesla Powerwall Home Battery and Solar PanelsTesla Powerwall Home Battery OnlyNo Solar or Tesla Powerwall Home Battery
Access Sustainable ElectricityAccess Blackout ProtectionAccess the lowest generally available rate in South Australia*
Access Blackout ProtectionAccess the lowest generally available rate in South Australia*
Access the lowest generally available rate in South Australia1

The hardware installed on your home is owned by Tesla and you will not receive a Feed in Tariff. If you choose to leave South Australia’s Virtual Power Plant, the system will be configured to provide benefits to those who continue to be connected to the program and remain on your home.