
Wait up!

Have you checked out our great rates for your property?

Contact us to switch your plan

Starting on 4 October, Members Energy has ceased services and customers have been moved to Energy Locals.
If you did not provide your consent to transfer to our Locals Member plan, it’s not too late to take advantage. Just get in touch with our Aussie-based at or call 1300 693 637 to talk about changing your plan.

We help people who want:

Great prices

We don’t profit from your usage so we give you the lowest rates we can.

Aussie-based support

We’re proudly Australian based and operated. So if you ever need help, you’ll speak with someone local.

Carbon offset power

We carbon offset all your usage without it costing you more.

Fair energy

We keep our rates simple and transparent because we have nothing to hide. And we’ll never increase prices for profit.

An energy company you can trust

Product Review Award Winner

We’re one of the top-rated energy companies based on customer reviews.


4.5 Green Energy Stars

We’re rated one of the greenest power providers in the 2022 Greenpeace Green Electricity guide.

Green Excellence Award

Awarded by Canstar Blue for our ground-breaking solar and battery solution for a residential building.

Any Questions?

Members Energy transition FAQ

On October 4th 2023 Members Energy will cease its operations, prompting a seamless transition process for existing customers. Each current customer will receive personalised communication outlining next steps. The recommended course of action will involve transitioning to an Energy Locals Local Member plan, as specified in the benefit change notice.  

Who are Energy Locals

Energy Locals are a 100% Australian-based electricity retailer, and they have been the provider of your services under Members Energy all along. You’ll continue to be supported by the same local team, only under a different product and brand name. 

What do I need to do?

We’ve sent you an email with instructions. The energy market is a regulated industry, so even though we’re offering you a better deal, we need to capture your permission to move you across and get you saving. 

Will my account details change?

Your account number, payment information and online self-service portal logins will remain the same. No need to remember new numbers or passwords.

When do I need to provide consent?

You’ve got until 3rd October 2023 to give the nod and join Energy Locals on their fantastic Local Member plan. Missed the deadline? You’ll still join Energy Locals, just under a default offer until you get in touch. 

What does this mean for my solar feed in tariff (FiT)?

Your solar will become a lot simpler and better! Your minimum FiT rates will not only increase but are guaranteed, regardless of the time of the day and what the spot market price is doing. No need to worry about FiT trading anymore. 

Will I still pay a membership fee?

Like your Members Energy plan today, Energy Locals plans do have a membership fee, however, Energy Locals don’t earn any additional money from your usage rates, so you’ll benefit from a lower membership fee, lower rates and a higher FiT. 

How will my enrolment in the Members Energy VPP be impacted?

Energy Locals operates independently to the Members Energy VPP, so you will no longer be enrolled in the VPP program. But that’s okay! Leaving the Members Energy VPP lets you gain greater control over your solar battery. It’ll continue to operate as designed, but you will now have the freedom to personally control your battery usage. 

Will I still have access to the Evergen App?

You will no longer have access to the Evergen App as this was a feature of being a part of the Members Energy VPP. But you can manage your energy through Energy Locals online account using your existing Members Energy login details:  Here you can monitor your usage, make account detail changes and communicate with staff through web enquiries all from the comfort of your phone or browser. 

What if I opt not to switch to Energy Locals?

We’ve worked closely with Energy Locals to give you a better deal with their Local Member plan. If you don’t provide consent to switch to this plan, then you will automatically be placed on Energy Locals standing offer plan. This plan typically has higher rates and a lower feed in tariff.